Tracking Students to Improve Tutoring Services and Support

tutoring services



In any institution of learning, students have different taste and preferences of academic. This is the same reason why students perform differently in class and co-curricular activities.

It is, however, the duty of a teacher to keep all students in track remaining them the core value of being in school.

A teacher should harmonize all students target into one goal, which should be to acquire excellent performance and work towards achieving it.

When he or she does that, it acts as a commitment to improving even students who are below average so that the whole class can succeed as a team.

Such a teacher understands that lousy performance in a single student means a negative mean in the entire class.

Cooperation between the teacher and the students, therefore, results in a tracking system that improves students tutoring services and support.

For a school system to work efficiently, there is a need to develop Apps for tutoring business that goes around the entire school.

This business ranges from how students perform in class, co-curricular activities, school financial flow, student-teacher relations, parenting among other aspects.




When a school decides to use a commercial software solution to keep track about its tutoring service, supplemental guidelines. And then any workshop that students attend it might end up becoming expensive to them at the end.

This is more so if the system is not integrated with other students college system like students support information system.

The only solution is to have a school-based online tutor management system that tracks the progress of almost all activities around the school.


tracking system



A proper tracking system must contain academic center management software. This software helps to track down which student has received tutoring service, how far is the help and the exact number of students helped.

The system also helps the tutor tracker to know who is still awaiting guidance. So that when he or she is compiling daily report has the exact figure of those who underwent through the system.

Tracking system keeps both the teacher and the student on alert mode at all times.

Tracking systems like the one offered by the TutorRoom a company mandated to provide virtual classroom, learning management system.

A custom solution allows the tutor to rate the session between a teacher and a student on a scale of 1-5. A range of 5 indicates excellent performance while that of 1 indicates special attention is needed.

The system generates an automatic warning email to the student’s full network that informs them something needs to be rectified immediately.

A tracking system is a valuable tool for data collection. This data helps schools in making an informed academic decision that otherwise corresponds to the running of the school.

They act to give the school management the entire population of students, especially where we have cases of online classes.

The administration is, therefore, able to know which course has the most significant number of students and tutoring service demand and that with the least.

This information is useful to the school in identifying where to channel huge budget into ensuring quality and efficient service.


online tutoring service



Keeping the right track in tutoring service helps a school track down the deviation between those students. Students pass on to the next class and those who get retention.

The deviation difference helps the tutor to know which tutoring saas was beneficial to students and by which teacher.

It also helps to know if students who log in frequently to interact with their teacher. And those who log in a few times have a significant difference in their academic performance.

Tracking mechanism should incorporate in the system an online tutoring scheduling software system. That allows every student to log in for at least three-hours of tutoring service a day.

The tutoring service should include extensive study groups, workshops or coaching that is additional material to what offer in class.

This initiative forms a double-digit gain to learners hence reducing the number of students’ retention.


Nowadays college and universities face a lot of pressure from legislatures, federal authorities, the students’ fraternity. And the broad public on the need to perfect on transparency and accountability.

At the same time, students change in demographic status make the efforts of adhering to changes more challenging.

Most students in higher learning institution are not only student but run a business to sustain their school fee or families that deter them from accessing class daily.

If institutions, therefore, fails to formulate a policy. A policy ensures all students follow up and their class work counterchecked it might end into a total mess at the end.

Almost all institution faculties and departments should work together to promote successful students outcome.

Institutions should first start by evaluating their commitment to the mandate institution then check the students’ trend academically. If there is the need, formulate a tracking system, design it and implement it immediately.

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