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Top 9 Must-Have Personalized Learning Apps, Tools, and Resources

Top 9 Must-Have Personalized Learning Apps, Tools, and Resources


A student is likely to understand what he or she is being taught if learning is tailored to their specific needs.

However, teachers have a hard time developing the instructional schedule for each child. That’s where personalized learning apps come in.

They help tutors to put their student’s interest, abilities, and goals during lessons.

But, with so many personalized learning platforms out there, it can be difficult for you to choose the best.

To help you out, we’ve narrowed down the field to the nine best- personalized learning apps that can be used across all subjects.


1.    Mindprint


Mindprint has many useful features that make it top our list.

First, teachers can use it to access each learner’s strength as well as needs and develop a personalized studying program. One can also create student profiles.

The app even makes recommendations for both teachers and parents on the best strategies to use to help the learner succeed. Experts and psychologists specifically support these strategies.

So, at the end of the day, they can better a leaner’s study skills and overall, help them to understand the subjects.


2.    TutorMandarin


If you want to learn a language, the fastest way to do it is by having an excellent tutor to coach you.

TutorMandarin is among the best personalized learning apps that offers students, one on one Chinese online classes with certified teachers.

One can take their classes through high-quality video calling, an interactive whiteboard or viewable lessons that meet the HSK standards.

This adaptive learning software is best for practicing vocabulary and bettering your speaking and pronunciation skills.


3.    Knewton


It’s among the oldest adaptive learning technology. We recommend it as it allows tutors to track the student past performance and develop a strategy to use based on the same performance.

Apart from providing course materials, the platform also suggests to learners what to study and to teachers, how they can help the student study.


4.    Classcraft Quests


One thing that makes blended learning tools for teaching unique is that they break the normal classroom study curve. And enable both teachers and students to have interactive fun lessons.

Quests, a feature within Classcraft, enables teachers to deliver exciting studying paths using the lessons schemes they have. Teachers organize lesson objectives together to form a “quest” path.

A student will then be required to complete a certain task which may be a classroom activity or an assignment before they proceed to the next objective.

These quests have branching paths which teachers can use to guide their students on the objectives as per their progress.


5.    Class Dojo


Personalized learning is also useful in classroom management.

Class Dojo is among the top personalized learning apps as it allows teachers to monitor a learners’ progress and behavior and give either positive or negative remarks, depending on their performance.

But one thing that makes it unique is that teachers can share with parents instant messages and photos. Also, students choose their preferred avatar.


6.    DIY


DIY makes lessons even more fun as students can direct their learning through gamification.

Learners usually browse the subjects of their interest, for instance, Biologists, and use the app to learn different skills by trying out challenges and getting peer feedback on how they have performed.If their performance is outstanding, they can earn “patches” – badges.

We love this app as it empowers kids to better their interest and discover their skills.


7.    Realizelt


RealizeIt is an excellent platform for mastery-based learning. This is where a kid repeats a topic or a level until they’ve demonstrated competency.

This platform allows personalized mastery-based learning to be interactive and interesting. So, students are motivated to be competent at their level fast, unless they don’t want to progress to the next.


8.    Explain Everything


Understanding is easy when the students teach and present ideas in a way they’re able to understand. And that’s exactly what this platform does.

Since it focuses on student teaching other students, their comprehension is significantly deepened.

It’s a great platform as it helps learners understand a subject through different dimensions. For instance, kids can create animated videos or annotate.


9. Scootpad


The good thing about Scootpad is that it focuses on all learners, including fast-paced, slow-paced, and everyone else in between.

It covers many areas such as math, reading, spelling, and writing, among others.

The platform provides both parents, and tutors access to their dashboard from where they can track how a child is performing and receive data on them.

Adaptive learning is designed to help a student adapt content to their abilities and knowledge. And with these personalized learning apps, teachers can create student-centered learning and help boost the performance of their pupils.


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