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Cross Device Functionality -Both PC and mobile Compactability
- Regardless of the devices you will be using to access the platform, you can still enjoy the full capabilities of the platform either from tutor-end or as student
- Snappy list of Courses in order.
- Students can view the list of lessons in a course via a easy click.
- Lessons organized by lesson cover, credit cost for a class, and booking button.
- Click lesson cover to view PDF samples.

Scheduling and calendar management
- can easily integrate your Google calenadar for seamless time management between courses and your daily life events.
Online integrated payment
- Hassle free and quick method online payments integrated with Paypals and credit systems for easy student payment

Backend Management System
One easy and intuitive system for Admins, tutors, and more
See how easy it is to run your school on one integrated online domain. Create accounts for your faculty/team, upload courses and lessons, and manage every aspect of your online tutoring business. That’s how administering is supposed to be!

Backend Management System
- One simple online system for tutors, admins and others.
- All roles sign in through one easy online domain.
Backend CRM
- Full access to lists of students, tutors, courses, and more.
- Edit personal info or monitor progress from one east stem.

Backend Scheduling
- Tutors can easily submit available hours info.
- Admins can review complete tutor and student schedule.
- Full class scheduling and tracking features.
Backend Resource Upload
- Upload full courses to your online system with pace and ease.
- Upload lesson materials for courses in PDF format.
- Add/remove lessons as you wish.