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Benefits of Using Online Training Platforms


E-learning, or online learning, has advanced significantly in recent years, changing the face of modern education. People prefer online learning over traditional learning because it is less expensive, more effective, and does not require as much time commitment as traditional learning. People value the ability to control their academic lives and learn at their own pace without feeling rushed to meet deadlines in a short period of time or worried about missing class. These online class platforms provide users with everything they need in one location, including lectures, resources, trainings, and opportunities to meet with other users and receive live feedback from instructors. It’s also a great way for users, teachers, and students to keep track of where they’re going. Furthermore, online trainings are significantly less expensive than traditional university and college education. As a result, the popularity of online training platforms has swept the nation.

Students are not the only ones who enjoy using online training platforms. More and more businesses and organizations are realizing the value of online trainings and are implementing online platforms and systems to train their staff. Employees no longer have to sit through long lectures at work or scroll through presentation slides on their workstation. Putting the technology into use, the company can also easily deliver lectures and trainings. Online education has become more diverse than it has ever been. There are numerous options for everyone, from students to employees to corporate executives. For instance, when they want to learn a foreign language, they can do so with a single tap. Alternatively, if consumers prefer more technical courses and training sessions, they can select anything that is available on the platform. The global pandemic has caused significant changes in people’s lives in less than six months. It has had a negative impact on people’s lives all over the world, but one of the silver linings of this dreadful disease outbreak is that it has altered how students and office workers are educated.


Benefits of Using Online Training Platforms. 1

Introduction. 1

What is The Definition of Online Training Platform?. 1

Benefits of Using Online Training Platforms. 2

  1. Flexibility and Ease of Use. 3
  2. Affordably priced and Easy on the Expenses. 3
  3. Self-paced and Self-driven Learning. 3
  4. Progress Monitoring and Observable Results. 3
  5. Receive Prompt Feedback and Assistance from Professionals. 4
  6. Group Learnings and Online Community. 4
  7. It Caters to Flexible Lifestyles and Is Easily Accessible. 4

Final Word. 4


As a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been significant changes in education. The global pandemic has considerably completely changed the way students all over the world learn, and as a result, unique and distinctive online learning has gained much traction. Students from all around the world have suddenly and unexpectedly transitioned classroom to online learning, and some are wondering if this trend will continue after the global pandemic has passed. It’s absolutely essential to invest in educational technology. It is now clearer than ever that investing in education technology and attempting to integrate it into schools is absolutely necessary in order to give students with a seamless transition to distance learning. As a matter of fact, in order to ensure effective learning in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, academic establishments would need to provide a user-friendly online training system to their students or employees.

What is The Definition of Online Training Platform?

An online learning platform is a webspace or portal for academic material and resources that provides a student with everything they need in one place, including lessons, materials, opportunity to engage and chat with other students, and many more. It is also a great way for both the student and the teacher to keep track of how far the student has come. Online learning has a variety of advantages, including the following:

By 2022, the global e-learning market will have surpassed $243 billion. The o overall student enrollment  in colleges has been declining in the United States over the last decade, and yet online student enrollment has increased for the 14th year in a row. Due to the obvious unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID19 pandemic, education systems all over the world have been shook to their core and were forced to transition to some form of distance learning. Signing up for an online course could be the perfect solution for anyone who wants to learn a new language or acquire career-advancing certifications. Online learning platforms are commonly used to deliver the online class.

One designed for learning, like any other online platform, is a webspace or portal that is rich in academic material and resources. This course material can be broken down into different subject areas or topics of interest. Depending on the institution that the user is enrolled in, it is usually posted to the platform by the class teacher or instructor. An e-learning platform can be limited by membership (only those who have registered can have access to it), however, it can also be open to anyone else who wishes to develop. The advantages of an online course platform include the ability for both students and teachers to track their improvements or growth through the course content, and everything is planned and designed in one place. Furthermore, students may be able to socialize with one another through the platform. As a result, it’s not all that different from going to school like back in the days. The only thing that is different would be that they will do it from the opposite side of the screen. There are various kinds of online learning platforms:

Benefits of Using Online Training Platforms

Online training is the art of transferring the knowledge to a primary audience who prefers to attend classes of a specific subject from anywhere in the world via the internet. Online training programs provide a wide variety of advantages that are applicable to each and every industry, academic establishment, companies, and employee nationally and internationally. Here are a few of the example of the benefits of online training to demonstrate how it can help an employee’s knowledge and skills.

1.      Flexibility and Ease of Use

Working a 9 to 5 job from five to six days every week can take its toll and sap a great deal of energy from an employee. They would barely have time to rest if they had to travel to work and take courses to enhance themselves outside of working hours. Moreover, they would lose their much need me time.  One of the most significant advantages of online trainings is the increased flexibility for employees. They can enter the courses at any time, from any location, using any device, whether it’s a phone, a laptop, or a computer. The one and only requirement is an internet connection. Employees can make time and then choose to take their course during their coffee lunch break or coffee breaks at work, during their commute, or even on their living room couch at home.

2.      Affordably priced and Easy on the Expenses

In traditional learning, people are usually required to pay venue service charges, physical training material fees, and transportation costs in addition to tuition fees. With all of these high costs added together, it can put a huge dent in the budget. On the other hand, online training eliminates all travel costs as well as material expenses such as reference books as well as other printed materials and stationaries. In contrast to the need for physical materials, online training providing the students with the course in the form of documents, pdfs, and video files that can be saved in cloud storages. As a result, users can take their materials with them wherever they go and connect directly them from any location.  Reference videos, course materials, progress reports, and exam results can be saved and viewed multiple times through the internet. Furthermore, many training courses focus on providing certificates in a printable format online at the completion of the course, so they have concrete evidence that they will be eligible.

3.      Self-paced and Self-driven Learning

At the start of the training program, not everybody may have the same level of understanding, skill sets, experience and knowledge. Since everyone absorbs information at a varying rate, some employees may learn faster than the others. Some people may be familiar with a particular aspect of the training and do not want to waste their time repeating what they already know. One of the primary advantages of online trainings for businesses is the ability to learn at their own pace and according to their own learning requirements. This means that employees are not required to learn from limited trainings. They will not be put under undue pressure to keep up with others, causing them to fall behind. This will increase their motivation to learn and make it easier for them to remember what they have learned.

4.      Progress Monitoring and Observable Results

Online training platforms typically have systems in place to track progress and generate detailed reports for both learners and teachers. And since the training is going to take place online, it is faster and easier to collect the required data and assess its effectiveness. Reports compile information such as course completion rates, forum activities, grade assessments, and the time required to complete a course. As a result, teachers will be able to identify which students are falling behind or excelling in their trainings and adjust the course materials to meet their needs.

5.      Receive Prompt Feedback and Assistance from Professionals

Online trainings include practice tests and exercises, and employees receive immediate feedback. These test questions can provide multiple choice and open-ended questions, as well as suggestions for improvement, so that employees are instantly made aware whether they have “right” or “wrong” responses and have the option of going back and correcting themselves or move on to the next quiz. One of the primary advantages of online training is that employees can learn at their own pace while receiving support from subject matter experts. Employees have access to live guidance such as question and answer functions, discussion boards, and web conferencing which can be recorded. Well-qualified professionals and experts are constantly moderating discussion boards, so if anyone needs any assistance, they are able to help the users and provide feedback in real – time. This one-on-one interaction make sure that employees are not left out of the loop.

6.      Group Learnings and Online Community

Although one-on-one training is best suited, it is not always possible. Peer tutoring has its advantages as well. It can be more beneficial in some cases because it helps in developing students to learn while communicating with other students. Learning can be boring at times, but it can be prevented by participating in group learnings and establishing social bonds with other employees. Employees have the ability to interact with other learners through features such as discussion forums and live tutorials. Employees’ soft skills and social interaction skills are also improved as a result of this. Actively participating with other employees nurtures team culture and collaborative effort, allowing them to pull on each other and improve together, making the training journey more enjoyable.

7.      It Caters to Flexible Lifestyles and Is Easily Accessible.

Ever other employee has a different way of life, not everybody learns the same way. Some people enjoy taking notes, while others prefer to learn from videos, and still others find learning through games and quizzes more interesting. As a result, providing trainings in numerous formats such as videos, games, and case analysis that can be obtained according to what works best for them helps to improve as a whole employee productivity. Most employees are familiar with the technology in today’s fast-paced world, and everything is easily accessible. Available for download class materials, online tutorial videos that can be replayed multiple times, and questionnaires and evaluations that can be taken at any time assist employees in learning more effectively and achieving their goals more quickly.

Final Word

To put it into conclusion, the future of education will be based on distance learning platforms. Even after the global health crisis has passed, there will almost certainly be a surge of students looking to advance their knowledge and careers through self-paced online training. The ability to learn anything you want is a notable advantage of online learning. You have the option of continuing your academic career or studying something completely different. You can brush up on your soft skills or enroll in art or music production classes that you have always wanted to take.

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